SD Worx
SD Worx provide integrated payroll software, as well as a fully outsourced payroll solution for businesses to streamline their payroll processes for more accuracy and efficiency. The assets of the marketing campaign “SD Worx: The Payroll People” are designed to be people focussed, light-hearted and relatable, using SD Worx’s bold brand colours.

Tone of voice of the infographic is upbeat, cheerful and information rich, emphasising the people centric and expert nature of SD Worx’s processes.

Part of the “SD Worx: The Payroll People” campaign, the eBook carries on the themes of payroll expertise and puts the focus on people at the heart of a business, reinforcing the message of SD Worx as key provider of Payroll solution in the market.

Social advertising
SD Worx: The Payroll People – LinkedIn banner ads.

With thanks
To the ReallyB2B team for providing a clear brief and great copy.